Are you using Banners in WordPress for Extra Revenue?
If you are like me and have any blogs that have banners on them, then you will be interested in this review.
By far the easiest plugin that I’ve found to handle banner advertisting on WordPress, has been Max Banner Ads by Max Blog Press.
What I like about it is that it’s all point and click. No need to muck around with the theme code.
I’ve been using it for the last 1 1/2 years on my niche blogs to display advertisting.
A couple of examples.
On one of my sites I have two sidebar widgets setup to handle larger block ads and the smaller 125×125 little blocks and I’m using the Max Banner Ads automation to put a 468×60 at the top of the first blog post. These formulate my Gold, Silver and Bronze advertising packages for private business. Yes direct advertisting pays better than adsense!
On another of my sites I have three 300×300 banner spots embedded around the theme, and I just copied and pasted the code that Max Banner Ads generated into the theme at the spots I needed. Once again direct business advertising is a winner over adsense.
It’s all managed by a simple admin interface.
The banners all rotate evenly within their groupings. So it’s fair time share between the spots.
Plus it has built in statistics so I can see how many views and my click through stats. Which of course then I pass along that info to my business advertisters.
They have two version a free version with a nag line “powered by Max Banner Ads” and a pro version.
They have made it simple to affiliate via Clickbank, so you can of course add in your clickbank ID to the nag line on the free version.
I must admit when I first registered for the free version they were moving servers or something like that and my registration wasn’t accepted for about 2 weeks. But after contacting support they sorted it out and I’ve been happy ever since.
They have a video and screen shots and more explaination on their website – Max Banner Ads.
If you are looking for a way to display multiple banners or even just one on your blog, try it out you’ll be happy you did.